It’s difficult trying to explain
the ‘rules of the road’ here in Saigon. One thing that did stick was one
friend’s suggestion early on to never stray too far from the “pack” of moto’s.
Well, after another week or two riding around with that suggestion stuck in the
back of my mind, and a few rush hour experiences, I had an epiphany-the perfect
metaphor for Saigon traffic- …Holding true to the deferential and obedient
Asian stereotype, the ‘rules of the road’ maintain a strict hierarchy. For
everybody’s convenience, and maximum efficiency, the hierarchy is strictly
demarcated based upon horn size/volume. Horns
here are not used as a last resort-I’m about to hit you as they are in the US.
Rather, the horn is used to prove existence, more as a “heads up, I’m coming
relatively close to you, DON’T veer towards the sound of my horn, please move
closer to the school of moto’s.” First let me clear one thing up, the ‘rules of
the road’ aren’t actually rules but more of a quasi-safety manual. While you
can actually get pulled over for riding in the oncoming traffic lane, running
red lights, presumably driving on the sidewalk (haven’t seen anyone get pulled
over for that one) and weirdly enough not using your turn signal (not sure how
that one got stuck in here) these “traffic stops” are really more like an
infrequent but very expensive toll. The “tickets” are always negotiable and
depending on your negotiating luck & skill can range from 5 dollars to 25
dollars. But back to my perfect metaphor. The plankton are the metaphorical
pedestrians and bicyclists since they don’t even have horns. Riding on the
sidewalk is really fun and a great way to get around intersections or up one
way streets; however, it gets really annoying when you’re the pedestrian and you’re
constantly getting beeped at by moto’s trying to get passed you… o well you win
some and you lose some… Same goes for bicyclists. Biking is quite popular here
and somehow they manage to cope just fine in the sea of motorized traffic. I think the only reason they stay is that
they never stray more than two feet from their curb, sort of like an invisible
bike lane. That being said, just last night I saw the most amazing act of
neighborly good-will between a moto and a cyclist. Going up a hill, a moto moved
up behind this bicycle and stuck his left leg on the back of the bike and
proceeded to push this bicycle for
something like a 1000 yards, it was amazing. At the risk of degrading my no
longer perfect metaphor, I saw a quite unusual transport in the street-a wheel
chair. Not sure what the wheel chair would translate to-maybe the protozoa or
whatever the krill eat? Wheel-chairs in Vietnam have three-wheels and are
shaped sort of like those seated bicycles with a hand push/lever to propel the
object. Needless to say I was sort of shocked driving in rush hour traffic and
finding a wheel-chair chugging along while simultaneously being engulfed by
moto’s. I feel weird taking a picture of a crippled person but I’ll try and get
one posted on the blog in a few days. Next come the Juanito’s-the moto’s. Like the
bait ball, the wall of moto’s somehow move seamlessly and in weird
contortionist directions (backwards, forward, left, right and really anything
in between). Sometimes they are tasked with maneuvers that require a school,
such as going into the JUMBO-sized traffic circles or going through
intersections that don’t really have traffic lights. The school mostly resides
in the right lane or middle two lanes. The cars here are like the Jack’s. There
is something like a 100 percent tax on all cars so they really aren’t very
common by US standards. They really like to honk at the moto’s but I think it’s
mostly as a way to vent their frustration in having brought a figurative
sledgehammer to the game that required a screwdriver (that or they are the poor
taxi drivers, not sure why they abandoned the tuk tuk). A lot of the time you’ll just be stuck in a
lane with a taxi behind you sitting and honking at you, at which point you’ll
get over at your earliest possible convenience. The same cannot be said for the
Bluefin tuna’s, which have a deafening horn and require immediate action. Most
of the time the moto’s stay away from the left hand lane and the bus’s and dump
trucks don’t stray from the lefthand lane, but if there was a real danger on
the roads, the bus would definitely be it. It definitely makes you jump a
little hearing the oversized airhorn compared to the beep-beep of a moto horn. The fact of the matter is that safety on the
roads in Saigon are mostly maintained through reasonable driving speeds. 90
percent of the time you’re not going over 30 km/hr which translates to 18 mph.
I’ve decided driving is more like a
game than anything else here in Saigon. Never do you feel like you’re just
driving like you would back in the States. It’s more like a rat race. There’s a
residual of rush-hour traffic in everyone’s driving 24/7. Everyone loves to
accelerate as fast as they can to about 30 km/hr and then stop 1 block ahead at
the next red light. I think everyone really just tries to get their fastest ¼
km splits in hope that they can shave a couple minutes off of their 2 km trip.
It’s really nice that shifting gears has become subconscious because driving a
moto truly requires 100% attention on the road at all times. At the very
beginning I would start snapping at Libby giving me directions after about 3
minutes of driving, it’s quite a relief being able to drive the moto without
their being tangible discontent amongst us by the end of the ride and a very
real necessity to go and drink a beer to calm down. Libby said she stopped
getting light-headed from her presumable anxiety and nervousness from being the
passenger after about a week. She still has to learn how to the drive the moto
but given her propensity to drift off and enjoy the scenery you can sure as
hell bet I’m never going to let her drive with me in the backseat ha!
We will add video footage soon!
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