Teaching has been quite the...
experience. First off, I think it is important to view this as a means to an
end. To do otherwise just seems to be asking to get in line with the crusty old
career teachers-our coworkers. We get paid an unfair amount of money to do
moderately difficult work that entails equal parts entertaining and teaching. Libby
was initially shocked this isn’t just nanny work, but then again, when one of
our Vietnamese counterparts for example, has an electrical engineering degree
but teaches English instead because some of his engineer friends with
first-rate jobs have 450 dollar a month salaries, it’s good to approach our job
with some degree of integrity. That being said, this isn’t teaching. And it isn’t
teaching in the same sense as teaching in a developed country. You do the best
you can do, and your best is ALWAYS good enough. (because when it comes down to it, your English
will always be better than your student’s).
A lot of the crusty old guys and
some of their younger followers are quite jaded over surface level concerns-
yeah the model is customer driven, the customer is always right. Yeah our
language school is profit driven-but we’re profiting as a direct result too
(re: that whole engineer thing). Yeah they stick autistic children willy-nilly
in the classes, which is a major distraction, but the two kids I’ve seen have
had what appears to be moderate Asperger’s which in no way impedes their
cognitive ability, even though the rest of the kids shun them to a corner.
Legitimate issues do exist. Though
there seem to be a boatload of alternative teaching opportunities, so I don’t
see why people don’t just switch jobs before basking in their self-imposed
misery. A lot of the classes are too large (the largest being about 24 people),
but I’m pretty sure that’s a universal teacher complaint. We teach for 2 or 3 hour blocks, which is too
long for anyone’s good. More frequent shorter meetings would go a long way for
their learning development. For the majority of the classes, participation and
focus isn’t a problem, though there are always a few bad apples. That being
said, in all classes below a certain proficiency level there is a Vietnamese TA
that serves a dual purpose of translation and discipline. The problem is with the teenagers, who don’t
have a TA. A lot of them have to spend their Friday and Saturday night 6-9 or
6:30-9:30 learning English. So yeah, entertaining plays a big role in our
teaching because as the most level-headed of our coworkers pointed out, these
are their Friday and Saturday nights. So yeah they can get a little rowdy, and
yeah they can be disinterested, and yeah their parents could be sending them
here just to get a little time away from the kids, but they still come. My only
complaint is that they don’t have the discipline I saw in Korea (and which must exist in Japan-number 1 Asia power),
which was bordering on superhuman. Must be the tropical heat. Or something.
Anyways it’s kind of fun getting to play games.
The most difficult part about our
job is the unbelievable variety in students. Libby teaches 4-5 year olds
learning the alphabet, I’m a boy/girl one day and then police officers the next
day (we’ll have to wait and see on the police officers, she’s teaching them as
we speak and apparently the classes are government funded which means
participation is REALLY a problem…but word on that later). And then there is
everything in between: 6-8 year old beginners, 8-10 year olds, 11 year olds
which are the worst because they have learned how to be bad and exaggerate boredom,
teenagers, and college students/adults.
I’m still learning how to be bubbly and silly enough for the children
and Libby is struggling with how to entertain adults without treating them like
children. With every new class, comes 3
new books and every age has multiple levels, so our bookshelf is now filled with
multiple colors. While quite a struggle
lugging them to the nearby coffee shop for lesson planning, it is nice how much
guidance and resources the teacher’s books have especially when we hear about
teachers in other schools who have to come up with everything themselves.
The coworkers as I’ve alluded to
are quite an interesting cast of characters as well. There’s a couple very
nice, normal and levelheaded teachers that mostly get drowned out by the loud,
jaded and crusty old teachers in the teacher’s lounge. Apparently quite a few
of the old teachers in the gang left recently so maybe they are just still in
mourning. There are a few older (40s-50s) teachers who aren’t crusty or jaded,
they’re fun mostly just to watch. One
older Brit loves Burger King and goes out to get it most every day. Another is a gigantic black man named Ron who
had a HILARIOUS diatribe over how this is like Disneyland compared to his NYC
inner city PE teaching days in response to the dourest Brit of the whole
lot-one of the crusty crew’s acolytes. This guy really is a hoot. We are supposed
to wear shirt tucked in with ties every day. His shirt is so tight that like
the buttons pull apart and expose his skin (also his shirt is so small and
tight that he can’t physically tuck it in). He finally showed up to work a few
days ago with a belt which honestly and truly was one of those tiny belts girls
wear around dresses. He’s a philosophy major who wants to join the RAF which is
also kind of funny. Best of all though was his rant about the degradation of
English culture and the excess of cynicism and envy-which I agreed with
initially. As time went on though he continued to exemplify this very excess of
cynicism to the point where I thought it’s people like him that are England’s real problem! It’s
all so new that I can’t help but feel like my opinion of this whole foray will
change repeatedly in the coming weeks and months. For now, it’s pretty good.
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