Monday, September 29, 2014


             Settling into something of a routine here in Saigon so haven’t felt the urgent need to update everyone on our happenings. That and the sad fact that blogspot is powered by google and hence google analytics happens to highlight a steady and precipitous decline in page views every time I post a new story. Speaking of friends, we are slowly accumulating them over here in Saigon. It’s actually been quite funny watching Libby stress out so much over our ‘loserness???’ We’re kind of opposite in the respect that I like to wait and see if someone is compatible enough to enter “friendship orbit” whereas Libby always has her proverbial fishing pole in the water trying to “hook” a friend. That’s the other thing, with a 20-30 hour workweek of “graded language” (=English you would speak to 5-7 year olds) and insane amounts of movie watching and reading 18th and 19th century English; I can’t help but wax metaphors and similes. We’re pretty much a regular at our favorite bootleg DVD store-75 cents a movie which is a little expensive but you know the DVD is going to work.  I just counted 30 DVD’s (35 as of this update 3 days later) which isn’t nearly as impressive as “the stack” but having never been a DVD collector I’m in uncharted territories. The latest group of TESL participants numbers 8 and we had a great time getting Mexican with them on Sunday night. Libby was so excited about having what she referred to as “real” conversations that she gave a preemptive apology to the guys I was sitting next to for *potentially* talking too much….. ***scoff*** Libby actually hung out with this decidedly uncool girl because in her words-“she seems to have a lot of friends so maybe some of them could be our friends.”  We’re going to other Language Corps participant’s housewarming/birthday party tonight. I can’t tell if Libby is super pumped to go because there’s a chance 1 of the 5 housemates could be her/our friend or we get to go to something that ends with the word “party.” (Update: the party was actually quite enjoyable, the droning voice of one of the Girls was pulled back after a few drinks and shockingly enough revealed a very amiable personality. The house was a real house so it was quite refreshing to sit in an actual living room with American size space. We thought there was going to be a handful of people but the LanguageCorps Director Hien really has done a great job creating a community of former participants so there was a sizeable group of people there which made for a great time… Hien was excited because we already have the perfect spot for the LanguageCorps Christmas Party ha). I guess all this legwork is necessary since the alternative seems to be me sitting alone writing these blog posts… (Update on that!: hung out with” just the guys” for the first time, pretty nice to get a reprieve from the estrogen fest, not sure what it is, but most of the guys here are just slightly off in one way or another…or just old, and therefore off in their own ways.  But there are a few cool people who work with us at VUS).      

                     We’ve been to a handful of amazing coffee shops and restaurants in old French colonial buildings tucked away in alleys but rather than write about them we’re going to go back with our camera and show y’all (Update: finishing this blog post up at THIS tropical paradise, which is probably our 3rd or 4th favorite for some perspective). Our exciting news is that we’re going to Danang for two days and Hoi Ann for a day next week which will be our first official trip outside of Saigon since arriving in Vietnam. Pretty excited to get out of the city. Danaang is supposed to be the up and coming city in Vietnam with a great food scene and we have our friend Linh to show us where all the good stuff is at.  In not-so-exciting news I FINALLY completed my 4 month and close to 3,000 page journey of the Winston Churchill epic-The Last Lion. Teaching graded English sure isn’t making me smarter but at least the books are. At times it definitely felt like I was slogging through rice paddies but definitely recommend the read. 

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